sâmbătă, 3 decembrie 2011

Transilvania din 1935, în arhiva British Pathe


PEEPS THROUGH THE WINDOW OF THE WORLD (NO. 60) video newsreel film 

 Various locations of events.
Several shots of a small blond boy riding a tricycle around a park. Instead of pedalling, he pulls the handlebars in a kind of rowing action to work a small wheel under the bike which then turns the back wheels. (Location of events unknown.)

Two women wheel a new pram, thought to be the first ever to be designed on the streamlined principals of motorcar construction, through a park. The pram is completely covered over, like a little car, and has windows with curtains at the side. I think I'd feel a bit closed in inside one. We see the pram with the 'sunroof' down, then one of the women does it up again. Apparently, air can still enter under all conditions. Looks quite futuristic (and claustrophobic). (Location of events unknown.)

In Transylvania, Hungary, we see a man carrying a carved object from his front porch - could be a buffalo yoke. On the plains buffalo are grazing. Thirty of the animals are harnessed to a plough and work to carve a ditch through a field. Several men tend the buffalos to keep them on course and others guide the plough.

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